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What is Bayes Rule? | What is Bayes Theorem?| What is Bayes Law?

Before learning about Bayes theorem/Rule/Law it is suggested to read and understand the Conditional probability from HERE.

Bayes Rule or Bayes Theorem or Bayes Law describes the probability of an event based on the prior knowledge of the conditions that might be related to the event. If we know the conditional probability, then by using Bayes theorem we can find out the reverse probabilities

Bayes' theorem is very useful in explaining the relationship between a conditional probability and its reverse form.

There are four probability is this equation.

  1. Posterior Probability
  2. Likehood Probability
  3. Margin Probability
  4. Prior Probability

How to read the P(A|B) in Bayes Theorem:

Find the probability of Hypothesis, given that, we have some evidence data.

Explanation with the help of Conditional probability:

Exercise:  From a bunch of playing card, what is the probability of getting a face card that may be a Queen Card.


A = Queen Card
B = Face Card
Total card = 52
Total Face card = 12 (4 King x 4 Queen x 4 Joker)

P(B|A) = 1, what is the chance of being a face card out of all Queen cards,  of course at least 1, because of all the Queen cards are face card

Hence the Equation is:   

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