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What is K-means cluster?

A group of similar data type is termed as “cluster”, which is a collection of data type collected together because of certain similarities in the data set.

K-means clustering is one of the simple as well as most popular unsupervised machine learning algorithms. The goal of clustering is to create groups of data points such that points in different clusters are dissimilar while points within a cluster are similar.
The k-means the algorithm takes as input the number of clusters to generate “k”, and a set of observation vectors to cluster. It returns a set of centroids /code vectors, one for each of the k clusters. The centroids/code vectors are like the soul of the cluster, they search the points closest to them and add them self to the respective cluster
With k-means clustering algorithm, we make a cluster of our data points into k groups. A larger k means creates smaller groups with more granularity, whereas lower k means creates larger groups and fewer granularity.

Steps for K-mean clustering:

1. Place K code vector randomly in data

2. Divide up the data into K partition according to the closest code vectors

3. Keep repeating point 2, and moving the each code vector to the means of its partition. Until code vectors stop moving.


Note: “K means” may produce different clustering when running multiple times on the same data.


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