memory is defined as
the ability of a machine to learn and remember the relationship between
unrelated items or entities.
There are
two types of Associated Memory
(a). Hetero
- Associated Memory
(b). Auto
- Associated Memory
What is Hetero-Associative Memory?
The input and
output patterns are difference, input patterns are the noisy or incomplete copy
on stored information
Input (x) ≠ Output (y)
Directory is a example of Hetero-Associative Memory, its contains name and phone number and both
are two different unrelated items.
Phone Number
Mr. Firoj Bakhshi
Mrs. Nancy
Mr. Nikhil
Mr. Susheel Panchal
When directory
is presented with the name it retrieves the corresponding phone number.
Mr. Firoz
Bakhshi? >>
What is Auto-Associative Memory?
The input and output patterns are identical, input
patterns are the noisy or incomplete copy on stored information
Auto – Associative Memory is specialised in pattern
recognition & completion.
Input (x) = Output (y)
Search some fragment
of text on Google it retrieve the whole word
of Auto & Hetero – Associative Memory, Face recognition has both the
components, the face completion is Auto-Associative Memory and getting the name
of person is Hetero- Associative Memory. Remember a number of faces, but we can recognize the face by just a small part of it is visible and output is with
complete face and name “Rajnikanth”.
What are the properties of Associative Memory?
- Content Addressable (similar to the standard computer memory)
- It is insensitive to small errors in the input patterns (noise resistance)
- It is insensitive to removal of network connections and units (graceful degradation: it is the ability of a computer, machine, electronic system or network to maintain limited functionality even when a large portion of it has been destroyed or rendered inoperative).
- It is highly capable of parallel processing of the information
Difference with the Human Brain:
Associative Memory, Usually there is a separate Learning Phase (when the
associations are stored), and a Recall Phase (when the stored information is